“Welcome Address”

in Preserving the Past for the Future. Visions, Strategies, Actions to Enhance the Preservation of the World’s Cultural Heritage
Edited by Jack Lohman and Shobita Punja
Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini onlus, 2020, pp. 1-2
This publication is the edited result of the international symposium Preserving the Past for the Future, that took place at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice on the 23rd of October 2018. The meeting discussed the topic of the political, cultural and technical challenges constantly faced by public and private institutions responsible for protecting the heritage, also taking into account the role that international cooperation can play in solving these kinds of issues. Particular attention has been paid to how digital technologies can preserve and enhance the great European cultural heritage.
The booklet’s structure reproduces the thematic sessions that involved institutions and individuals from various world regions with different cultural traditions (India, China, America and Europe). The aim was to outline a global perspective on the topic, through comparative analysis and sharing knowledge and experiences.